Install Ruby on Rails 7 · macOS

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topic Ruby on Rails
subtopic Installation

How to install Ruby on Rails on a Mac. With Ruby 3.3 and Rails 7 on macOS. Instructions with troubleshooting tips.

This article will help you set up a development environment for Ruby on Rails on a Mac. This guide is for beginners as well as experienced developers setting up a new computer. If you need Ruby but not Rails, follow the guide to Install Ruby on macOS.

This guide provides full details, how to:

  • update to macOS
  • install Xcode Command Line Tools
  • install Homebrew
  • configure Git
  • install a software version manager
  • install Node and Yarn
  • install Ruby 3.1
  • update gems
  • install Rails 7
  • create a new Rails application
  • tips and troubleshooting

Installation steps

Follow the steps to install Ruby on Rails (see details in this complete guide).

  • Prepare your Mac.
  • Install Homebrew or a software version manager.
  • Install Ruby.
  • Install Node and Yarn.
  • Update $PATH settings in the .zshrc file if necessary.

Setting up your development environment includes checking that macOS is up to date, installing the Xcode Command Line Tools (to add needed Unix utilities), configuring Git (an important tool for save-as-you-go file storage), installing the Homebrew package manager (to add more software packages), and choosing a software version manager for Ruby.

After you've prepared your computer and installed Ruby, it's easy to install Rails. But you'll also have to set up a JavaScript environment with Node and Yarn, which is required for creating a new Rails application.

Installation choices

Before you install Ruby, you should choose Homebrew or a software version manager. You have several choices for version managers. Plus Homebrew and Docker. Here's what I recommend:

First, understand the difference between Homebrew and software version managers. Homebrew is a package manager that adds Ruby, other languages, and software packages to the Mac. It can install one (and only one!) version of Ruby (the latest version). You can also install software version managers that install and switch between multiple versions of a language such as Ruby. Finally, some developers use Docker, which is a container system that sets up multiple development environments (like having multiple computers with different configurations). Here's how to choose.

Install with Homebrew if you’re building only one project with Ruby (for example, if you are a student learning Ruby). If you’re a solo developer and you need to juggle multiple projects that can't be updated all at once, use asdf, frum, chruby, or rbenv. Choose asdf if you're using multiple languages such as Ruby, Node, and Python; this makes it a good choice for Rails developers. Otherwise frum or chruby are fine for just managing Ruby versions. Finally, use Docker (or Nix) if you’re on a team with a complex project environment (for example, Ruby, Node, Redis, and PostgreSQL all in one project). Here are details.

asdf is a universal version manager

Asdf, frum, and chruby are software version managers. If you need to switch between versions of Ruby, use asdf, frum, or chruby. Asdf is your best choice because it is a universal version manager that installs and manages Ruby, JavaScript, Python, Elixir, and several other languages. Frum is efficient and simple but it works only with Ruby. Chruby is also good but requires an additional utility to install Ruby.

Rbenv and rvm are also popular as Ruby version managers. Sam Stephenson's rbenv has a more complex implementation than frum or chruby (it installs extra “shim” files). RVM was once the most popular of Ruby version managers but its additional features (gemsets) are no longer needed and add unnecessary complexity.

Docker is a containerization tool that some developers use for version management. The primary use case for Docker is to create a reproducible virtual server that contains a configured version of any software dependency needed to run an application (language, databases, message queues). As such, it is ideal for creating a "frozen" version of a development environment for deployment to a server. You can also develop locally within a container but it will run slower, require more memory, and adds configuration complexity compared to a simple version manager. To keep things simple, don't use Docker for local development unless your application is disturbingly complex.

If you don't need a version manager, install Ruby using the Homebrew package manager. Use this approach if you are only building a casual project that you will not maintain, or if you are just trying out Ruby to learn the language. You can easily remove Ruby after installing with Homebrew (and re-install a newer version when you need it). Don't install Ruby with Homebrew if you need to switch among Ruby versions (use asdf, frum, or chruby in this case).

Finally, you should know that macOS comes with a system Ruby pre-installed. MacOS Sonoma includes Ruby 2.6.10 which is not the newest version. If you use the system Ruby you'll need root access (sudo) to install gems (introducing a security risk). And you'll end up with a cluster of (sometimes incompatible) gems that can't be easily removed to restore your system to a clean state. Please use either asdf, frum, chruby, or Homebrew.

You'll find instructions here for installing Ruby using asdf, frum, chruby, or Homebrew.

Have you decided whether you'll install Ruby with asdf, frum, chruby, or Homebrew? In the next sections, you'll

Continue to the next section to check your computer before installing Ruby.