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ChatGPT Desktop App

How to install the ChatGPT Desktop app for macOS. How to use the OpenAI ChatGPT Mac app. What to expect.

The ChatGPT Desktop app lets you use text, voice, and images to communicate with the latest OpenAI large language model. It's a convenient way to use the AI model without a web browser, offering a breakthrough in usability.

Other applications you may want

If you're installing ChatGPT Desktop, now's a good time to add Warp Terminal and Zed Editor. Warp Terminal is an AI-assisted console for tools that give you unrestricted access to the OpenAI API and other LLMs. Zed Editor is the best AI-assisted editor for text and code. You may want to install these two applications when you set up ChatGPT Desktop. Both are free; you can get Warp Terminal here and Zed Editor here.

What to expect

OpenAI demonstrated remarkable capabilities of the ChatGPT Desktop app at the launch event, including live monitoring of the desktop and vastly improved voice conversation, handling interruptions and recognizing tone of voice. These features are not yet released but are expected soon. Currently, the underlying LLM (large language model) is no different than earlier versions, but the ChatGPT Desktop app will change the way you interact with the AI, easily fitting into your desktop workflow.

GPT-4o in a ChatGPT desktop app

The 'o' in GPT-4o stands for "omni." GPT-4o uses the same GPT-4 LLM that was previously available through a web browser but employs a new architecture that allows direct interaction with the LLM using audio and vision as well as text. The new Voice Mode and video capabilities are not yet available but are expected soon.

ChatGPT Mac app

OpenAI announced ChatGPT Desktop for the Mac on May 13, 2024. It's not available for Windows or Linux. The app requires a Mac with macOS 14 and Apple Silicon (M1, M2, M3). It's not available for Intel Macs. You should check macOS and update macOS to make sure your macOS is up to date.

After the announcement, OpenAI began rolling out the app to users, starting with ChatGPT Plus users. Eventually, free users will have access to the app (with lower usage limits).

If you are eager to use the app, you can sign up for ChatGPT Plus at $20/month but there's no guarantee you'll get access to the desktop app immediately.

Download ChatGPT desktop app

Here are instructions for downloading the ChatGPT desktop app:

You can download the app at any time but when you try to log in, OpenAI may not have enabled access for your account yet.

Install ChatGPT Desktop

Install the app like any other downloaded macOS application. Click to open the .dmg file, drag the app to your Applications folder, and launch it by clicking.

Log in with your OpenAI account

After launching the app, you must log in to your OpenAI account. If you don't have an account, you can create one at

download and install ChatGPT Desktop After downloading the app, launching it, and logging in, you may not have access

You'll see a message, "You do not have access to the desktop app yet" if OpenAI has not enabled access for your account. Be patient and try your login another day.

ChatGPT Desktop successful login What you see if login is successful

If login is successful, you'll see a screen, "Introducing the launcher."

Keyboard shortcut and the Launcher

You can interact with ChatGPT while any other application is active, using the launcher desktop widget. The launcher is a small window that you can drag anywhere on your screen. You can type a message to ChatGPT, upload a file or photo, take a screenshot or photo, or re-open the ChatGPT Desktop app. The launcher doesn't offer voice conversation; for that you must use the main app.

Open the launcher using the Option + Space keyboard shortcut. The ChatGPT Desktop app must be running. Option + Space does nothing if you haven't launched the application. You can change the shortcut in the app's settings. If the app is running, you can close the main app window and keep the launcher widget open to save screen space.

ChatGPT Desktop launcher window The launcher

ChatGPT Desktop menu bar icon

For additional convenience, the ChatGPT Desktop app adds an icon to the macOS menu bar. Click the menu bar icon to open the app or to quit the app.

ChatGPT Desktop for macOS Menubar menu items

ChatGPT Desktop app

The main application window has a clean and minimalist interface. The interface only controls methods of input and application settings. The power of the application comes from natural language processing of text or voice instructions to the AI.

ChatGPT Desktop app ChatGPT Desktop app

In the title bar, the leftmost icon opens a sidebar to show previous chats. The ChatGPT title is a pull-down menu that allows you to choose the AI large language model (LLM) or a Temporary Chat. The rightmost icon starts a new chat.

Chat with the AI appears in the main window. Following voice interaction, a transcript of the conversation appears in the main window.

At the bottom of the screen, there is a text input box where you can type your messages. It has the placeholder text “Message ChatGPT”. To the left of the input box, there is a paperclip for uploading files, photos, and screenshots. You can also drag and drop screenshots, files, or photos into the main window. On the right side of the input box, there is a microphone icon so you can send voice messages to the AI. To the right of the input box, there is a headphone icon that initiates an audio connection for an interactive voice conversation.

OpenAI voice interaction

You can start a voice conversation with ChatGPT by clicking the headphone icon in the bottom right corner of the desktop app. Your microphone must be enabled. In the days after the app's release, users reported that clicking the headphone icon did not always create a connection. You may have to retry.

Trying ChatGPT Desktop app voice connection Attempting to connect

ChatGPT Desktop app voice connection fails Unsuccessful connection

A new voice version, named Advanced Voice Mode, isn't yet widely available. It began rolling out to select users in July and is expected to be available to all paid ChatGPT Plus users later in 2024. During the OpenAI product launch demonstration, voice conversation with Advanced Voice Mode was fast and responsive, recognizing tone of voice and handling interruptions well.

ChatGPT Desktop screenshots, files, and photos

You can upload files, photos or screenshots for discussion with the AI using launcher. Click on the paperclip icon to the left of the message input field. You'll see "Upload File," "Upload Photo," "Take Screenshot," and "Take Photo." For a screenshot, hover over "Take Screenshot" and select a specific window or the entire screen. Similarly, if you prefer to take a new photo, select "Take Photo" and use your device's camera.

The first time you try a screenshot, you'll be asked to grant permission to the app to access the screen recording feature. You must grant permission in the macOS System Preferences. Look for "Privacy & Security > Screen & System Audio Recording" (if you see "Screen Recording," update macOS to a newer version).

ChatGPT Desktop screen permission Allow "System Settings > Privacy & Security > Screen & System Audio Recording"

After uploading a file or photo, or taking a screenshot or photo, type a message or open the main app for a voice conversation. You'll need to snap screenshots before asking ChatGPT a question; the AI gets confused if you tell it to look at something you haven't recorded in a screenshot or photo.

ChatGPT Desktop upload files photos screenshots Upload files, and photos, and screenshots from the launcher

ChatGPT memory, previous chats, and temporary chat

The ChatGPT Desktop app creates AI "memories" which can either be a help or a hindrance. The memories and chat history are part of your account and shared across the desktop app and web browser app. An icon in the title bar opens a sidebar with previous chats if you want to see them again. You can clear the chat history in Settings under Data Controls.

Use a Temporary Chat to start with a blank slate (no memories) and it won't be saved to your chat history. It's a bit like incognito mode in a web browser. Start a Temporary Chat from the application menu, under File, or from the application title bar, under the ChatGPT model name.

ChatGPT Desktop settings

The Settings menu in the application menu contains options to change the AI voice, the voice interaction language, the launcher keyboard shortcut, and the app's appearance. You can also clear the chat history and manage your account.

How to use ChatGPT Desktop settings ChatGPT Desktop Settings

Personalization of ChatGPT memories

The application menu Settings has a Personalization option, allowing you to disable Memory and Manage Memory. Managing memory lets you delete individual memories.

How to use ChatGPT Desktop memories You can control what the AI remembers

ChatGPT custom instructions

The application menu Settings/Personalization has a "Customize ChatGPT" option which provides a powerful and little-known feature to modify the AI's responses. The "Custom Instructions" are shared across the desktop app and web browser app.

Dustin Miller's ChatGPT AutoExpert instructions are a good starting point for custom instructions. You can copy and paste the instructions into the Custom Instructions fields.

Custom instructions are a simple way to get started with prompt engineering.

Prompt engineering

The ChatGPT Desktop interface is deceptively simple, only controlling methods of input plus application settings. You engage the power of the AI with text or voice instructions to manipulate input or retrieve information.

Effective use of ChatGPT for anything more than simple conversation requires prompt engineering. Prompt engineering is the art of giving the AI the right instructions to get the desired results. provides a step-by-step guide to learning prompt engineering. The website provides a detailed, free guide that's a great resource.

OpenAI data controls and privacy

The application menu Settings has a Data Controls option where you can delete all chats, export data, and delete your account. The Data Controls also allow you to block the AI from using your content to train the model.

As a rule, you should not share any sensitive information with the AI. The consequences of sharing data with the AI cannot be foreseen. The AI is not a human; human control of the AI is imperfect; the AI's behaviour is aligned with the interests of a wealthy corporation which may not share your values.

ChatGPT Desktop privacy Do you want OpenAI to use your content?

Getting help

OpenAI provides application support articles:

What's next

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