Install Python with Rye
How to install Python with Rye on Mac. Rye for Python version and package management. Rye, an all-in-one tool for Python development.
Python is often the first programing language you'll install on a Mac. Until recently, a lack of standard development tooling made setting up Python complicated. So, Python installation guides are often out of date or confusing. This guide describes current best practices. See the article Mac Python for more information.
Before you get started
You'll need a terminal application to install and use Python. Apple includes the Mac terminal but I prefer Warp Terminal. Warp increases developer productivity, helping you remember easily-forgotten commands and adds AI troubleshooting. Download Warp Terminal now; it's FREE and worth a try.
Why Rye?
Rye is the new favorite for installing and managing Python because it offers a single coherent setup and packaging system, eliminating the need for separate tools such as pip
, pyenv
, and venv
for managing versions, software libraries, and environments. If your project is more complex than a simple script or utility, use Rye to install Python and software libraries. Rye is a new tool, so you will not find as many tutorials as for Pyenv. But Rye is easier to use and more powerful.
Install Pyenv or Rye?
Pyenv has been a long-time favorite for managing Python versions (we also have a guide to Install Pyenv). If you want to use Pyenv, it's recommended to install Pyenv with Homebrew and you'll also need to install Venv or Virtualenv and use Pip. Rye doesn't require Homebrew and eliminates the need for these other tools.
There is no need to install Python before installing Rye. Rye will install Python for you.
Here's how to install one or more Python versions on Mac and manage Python development with Rye:
- Check macOS and update macOS.
- Check if Xcode Command Line Tools are installed.
- Install Rye with a self-install script (it will install the latest Python).
- Set the Mac PATH for Python to make sure you use the correct version of Python.
Rye is a single tool for version management and package management. If you choose to use Rye, install the Rye tool from the command line before installing one or more Python versions.
Check for Python
You'll need Xcode Command Line Tools for software development, and with Xcode, Apple includes Python 3.9.6. As of October 2023, the latest Python version is 3.12.
You should not attempt to update or remove the system Python installed with Xcode Command Line Tools. Just install a newer Python version with Rye.
Install Rye
You can install Rye with a curl
$ curl -sSf | bash
Curl is a command-line tool that makes HTTP requests from the terminal, useful for tasks like downloading and running installation scripts.
$ curl -sSf | bash
This script will automatically download and install rye (latest) for you.
######################################################################## 100.0%
Welcome to Rye!
This installer will install rye to /Users/daniel/.rye
This path can be changed by exporting the RYE_HOME environment variable.
Rye Version: 0.26.0
Platform: macos (aarch64)
? Continue? (y/n)
Enter y
to continue. Rye will ask questions to customize the installation.
? Select the preferred package installer ›
❯ uv (fast, recommended)
pip-tools (slow, higher compatibility)
By default, Rye offers uv
, a faster and newer package installer. I recommend choosing pip-tools
for compatibility. If you're a beginner, it will be easier to follow tutorials that refer to pip
. Select pip-tools
with the arrow keys.
Next, the self-installer asks which Python version you'll use as a default, offering the Rye-installed version or previously-installed versions.
? What should running `python` or `python3` do when you are not inside a Rye managed project? ›
❯ Run a Python installed and managed by Rye
Run the old default Python (provided by your OS, pyenv, etc.)
It's best to use the Rye-installed version. Accept the default Run a Python installed and managed by Rye
by pressing "Enter." Then the self-installer asks which Python version to install as a default.
? Which version of Python should be used as default toolchain? ([email protected]) ›
Accept the default and Rye will install the latest Python version. Installation begins when you press "Enter."
Installed binary to /Users/daniel/.rye/shims/rye
Bootstrapping rye internals
Downloading [email protected]
Checking checksum
Downloaded [email protected]
Updated self-python installation at /Users/daniel/.rye/self
The rye directory /Users/daniel/.rye/shims was not detected on PATH.
It is highly recommended that you add it.
? Should the installer add Rye to PATH via .profile? (y/n) ›
Notice that Rye installs its Python files to ~/.rye/shims/rye
Rye offers to set the $PATH
to give precedence to its Python version by modifying the .profile
file. Use of the .profile
file is a Linux convention. On the Mac, it's preferred to set the $PATH
in .zprofile
or .zshrc
files, preferably .zprofile
. Enter n
to skip this automatic step. Later, you'll set the $PATH
✔ Should the installer add Rye to PATH via .profile? · no
note: did not manipulate the path. To make it work, add this to your .profile manually:
source "$HOME/.rye/env"
To make it work with zsh, you might need to add this to your .zprofile:
source "$HOME/.rye/env"
For more information read
All done!
Rye explains how to complete the installation manually by editing the .zprofile
file. I'll show you how do it.
Set the $PATH
for Rye
There's one final important step before Rye works correctly. You must set the Mac PATH to make sure Rye finds the correct Python version. Otherwise, entering the command python
will trigger zsh: command not found: python
and the command python3
will access the older Xcode-installed Python version.
You can use TextEdit, the default macOS graphical text editor, to edit the ~/.zprofile
file. Alternatively, you can edit the ~/.zshrc
file. It works the same but, by convention and design, the ~/.zprofile
file is used for setting the $PATH
(see .zshrc or .zprofile for an explanation). You can open a file in TextEdit from the terminal:
$ open -e ~/.zprofile
You also can use the command line editors nano
or vim
to edit the shell configuration files. See Shell Configuration for more about editing shell configuration files.
Add this command as the last line of your configuration file to configure the Z shell for Rye.
source "$HOME/.rye/env"
When your terminal session starts, Z shell will run the ~/.rye/env
script to set shims to intercept and redirect any Python commands. You'll need double quotes because the command contains spaces or special characters. Rye adds the shims to your $PATH
so that running the command python
or python3
will run a Rye-installed Python version.
Changes to the ~/.zprofile
file will not take effect in the Terminal until you've quit and restarted the terminal. Alternatively (this is easier), you can use the source
command to reset the shell environment:
$ source ~/.zprofile # Or just restart your terminal
The source
command reads and executes a shell script file, in this case resetting the shell environment with your new $PATH
After resetting your shell, you can check the $PATH
$ echo $PATH
The ~/.rye/shims
directory should be leftmost, taking precedence over other directories.
Verify Rye installation
After installing Rye, use rye --version
to verify that it has been installed.
$ rye --version
rye 0.26.0
commit: 0.26.0 (d245f625e 2024-02-23)
platform: macos (aarch64)
self-python: [email protected]
symlink support: true
uv enabled: false
Verify Python installation
Check that Python is available:
$ python --version
Python 3.12.1
If you see zsh: command not found: python
, check that the Mac PATH is set correctly.
The python3
command should give you the Rye-installed version, not the Xcode-installed version:
$ python3 --version
Python 3.12.1
The which
command shows the Rye shims directory when you try to see where Python is installed. Keep in mind that you've set the ~/.zprofile
file to use Rye shims to intercept the python
command and deliver the Rye-installed versions.
$ which python
You've successfully installed Python with Rye.
Use Rye
You can use Rye to:
- Set up a Python project.
- Install more than one Python version.
- Install Python packages for each project.
Next, see our guide:
The guide explains how to use Rye instead of Pyenv or Pip.
Uninstall Rye
Here's how to remove Rye, if you decide not to use it.
$ rye self uninstall
✔ Do you want to uninstall rye? · yes
Don't forget to remove the sourcing of $HOME/.rye/env from your shell config.
Rye will uninstall itself but you will need to delete the ~/.rye/
hidden directory in your user home directory.
$ rm -rf ~/.rye/
Finally, use a text editor to remove this line from your ~/.zprofile
source "$HOME/.rye/env"
You've uninstalled Rye.
What's next
My is a trusted source of installation guides for professional developers. Take a look at the Mac Install Guide home page for tips and trends and see what to install next.