Mac Setup for Sequoia
New Mac setup for Sequoia. How to set up a Mac. Recommended macOS setup for a new MacBook, iMac, Mini, Studio, or Pro.
This website started as a guide for setting up a software development environment on a Mac. Now it's not just software developers who use the site. It's for anyone who wants to set up a Mac with macOS Sequoia.
You can use a Mac without any configuration effort. But what are all the options in System Settings? Have you wondered? Or been curious about utilities and applications that make experienced users more productive? Here you'll see the macOS Sequoia settings, utilities, and applications that professional developers use to set up their Macs. More important, I'll explain why you will want to use them.
Here you'll find a compilation of the best recommendations for setting up a Mac, but you can explore more resources if you want to see how other developers set up their Macs.
Dive into these articles after you've installed macOS Sequoia (macOS 15). Start with the basics and, if you're a software developer, continue to advanced configuration.
Mac Setup Steps
Naming your Mac comes first, then Dock and Finder settings, then various UI settings, roughly in the order of categories in macOS Sequoia System Settings. Finally, you'll install applications and utilities that give you full use of your Mac.
- Name your Mac
- Dock
- Finder
- Battery
- Accessibility
- Appearance
- Control Center
- Desktop & Dock
- Displays
- Screen Saver
- Siri
- Wallpaper
- Lock Screen
- Privacy & Security
- Internet Accounts
- Spotlight
- Keyboard
- Trackpad
- Screenshots
- Passwords
- Tiling Manager
- Warp Terminal
- Dotfiles
- Xcode Command Line Tools
- Homebrew
- Applications Using Homebrew Cask
- Zed Editor
- Configure Git
- Arc Browser
- Cloudflare Warp
- Install an Email Client
- ChaptGPT Desktop App
- PWA for Google Docs and Sheets
- Mac App Store
- Setapp
- Subscriptions
- Calendars and Reminders
- Simplenote
- Obsidian
- computer: MacBook, iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Studio, or Mac Pro
- confirm with
Apple menu
>About This Mac
- confirm with
- chip: Apple M1, M2, or M3
- confirm with
Apple menu
>About This Mac
- confirm with
- operating system: macOS Sonoma (macOS 14) or macOS Sequoia (macOS 15)
To install macOS on a new Mac, you'll power on, connect to Wi-Fi, sign in with your Apple ID, and accept Apple's various agreements and defaults. Then you'll be ready for the setup steps below.
Launch the Terminal
Mac setup is easier and faster, with more options, if you use the Terminal. Open the Terminal by pressing Command
+ Space
to open Spotlight search, then typing “terminal” and pressing Enter
. Or click the Spotlight icon in the menu bar and type “terminal.” Learn more about the Mac Terminal if it's new to you. I prefer to install Warp Terminal but you can do that later, when we install applications.
Name your Mac
Start your Mac setup by setting the computer name. If you've opened the Terminal, you'll see your Mac's default name in the prompt. Mine is "Daniels-Laptop." That's fine in a small office or classroom where it will be visible on AirDrop or a network. But if you have two computers with the same name, it can be confusing. And if you're in a coffee shop or coworking space, you might want to change it to something impersonal.
Change the Mac name in Apple menu
> System Settings
> General
> About
> Name
. It's not obvious, but you can change the Mac name by clicking and typing on the name entry. You can also open the Terminal and change the name with this command, changing "the-name" to your desired name:
scutil --set ComputerName "the-name"
The name change will take effect after you enter your password.
To change the name you see in the Terminal prompt, use this command, changing "the-name" to your desired name:
scutil --set LocalHostName "the-name"
The name change will take effect after you enter your password. You'll see the new name in the Terminal prompt after you open a new Terminal window.
For more about names on a Mac, including all the names that identify your Mac, and where to change them, see Name Settings. You can change your username and home folder name, but it requires creating a new user account, so it's easier to keep the account created for you.
The Dock
The Dock is a holdover from macOS's origins on NeXT computers. It started as an easy way to park frequently-used applications. Now it is Apple's way of showing you the Mac's pre-installed applications, many of which are clutter that you won't use frequently.
Click this shortcut to open System Settings
> Desktop & Dock
and adjust the Dock settings.
Reposition the Dock
The default Dock position, at the bottom of the screen, limits the vertical size of web pages or documents. That's why you should move it to the side of the screen. Adjust Position on screen
to Right or Left.
Adjust the Dock
I like to set the Dock to a smaller size and turn off magnification. This way, the Dock doesn't take up much screen space, and it doesn't move when you hover over it. I also turn off Show recent applications in Dock
and Show recent documents in Dock
. Many people turn on Automatically hide and show the Dock
to make the Dock appear only when you mouse to the edge of the screen, creating more screen space, but I find it distracting when the Dock appears and disappears. Here are the least distracting Dock settings:
- Size: Your preference
- Magnification: Off (less distracting)
- Position on screen: Right or Left (more vertical space)
- Minimize windows using: Scale effect (faster)
- Double-click a window's title bar to: Do Nothing (less distracting)
- Minimize windows into application icon: Off (less distracting)
- Automatically hide and show the Dock: Off (less distracting)
- Animate opening applications: Off (less distracting)
- Show indicators for open applications: On (useful)
- Show suggested and recent applications in Dock: Off (reduce clutter)
Remove clutter from the Dock
You can remove everything from the Dock (except Finder and Trash, which are permanent) if you like to launch applications with Spotlight search or the Launchpad (the full-screen application launcher). If you take this approach, your Dock will contain:
- Finder (can not be removed)
- Trash (can not be removed)
I like to use the Dock for frequently-used applications, so I start by removing everything from the Dock except Finder and Trash. Then I add applications to the Dock as I use them.
To remove an application from the Dock, just drag if off the Dock. Or right-click the application icon and select Options
> Remove from Dock
. You can remove all applications from the Dock if you open the Terminal and enter this command:
defaults write persistent-apps -array
Then relaunch the Dock with this command:
killall Dock
When I launch an application, it will appear in the Dock. If I want to keep it handy, I right-click the application icon and select Options
> Keep in Dock
Folders in the Dock
By default, the Downloads folder is in the Dock. If you find you frequently open a folder, you can drag it to the Dock. For example, you can open the Finder and drag the Documents folder to the Dock, next to the line that separates applications from folders.
You can right-click on a folder to display it in the Dock as a folder or as a stack. You can also change how it is displayed when you click the folder, either as an icon grid or a text list.
Add frequently-used folders to the Dock if you want to keep your Desktop uncluttered except for any files that need immediate attention.
Title Bar Click Behavior
You can set behavior for double-clicking the title bar of a window, with options to Fill (maximize to full screen size), Zoom, or Minimize the window.
Desktop & Dock
>Double-click a window's title bar to
The Minimize setting is a good way to quickly reduce clutter on the desktop by moving windows to the Dock.
Desktop Click Behavior
In the "Desktop & Stage Manager" section, change the "Click wallpaper to reveal desktop dropdown" from "Always" to "Only in Stage Manager". This is the universally annoying feature that hides all your windows when you click on the desktop.
Desktop & Dock
>Desktop & Stage Manager
>Click wallpaper to reveal desktop dropdown
>Only in Stage Manager
Hot Corners
At the very bottom of the Desktop & Dock
window, you'll find a button that opens the Hot Corners
settings. The Hot Corners setting is difficult to find but very useful.
Be warned that setting a Hot Corner can be annoying if you accidentally move your mouse to the corner and trigger the action. However, Hot Corners can be very useful.
I recommend setting a corner to "Lock Screen" and disabling screen savers and sleep mode, so you can keep your display active and easily lock your screen when you leave your desk. If your laptop has Touch ID, you can press the Touch ID button to lock the screen, but sometimes it's easier to use a Hot Corner.
If you like to use Launchpad to start applications instead of searching with Spotlight, you can set a Hot Corner to open Launchpad.
You can set a Hot Corner to open Mission Control, if you like to use Mission Control to switch between applications, instead of clicking windows or icons in the Dock.
More options for the Dock
For a more advanced Dock setup, with settings using the command line, see Dock Settings.
The Finder shows you files and folders on your Mac. The Finder is "dumbed down" to reduce confusion for new users. Adjusting its hidden settings makes it much more useful than its default configuration. Here's how to set up Finder on a new Mac, adjusting Finder preferences, customizing the sidebar, and setting default folder views.
The Finder icon is in the Dock (the blue smiling face). Click to open a Finder window.
Finder View
Set the Finder View
from the Finder menu.
The Finder has four view options: Icon, List, Column, and Gallery. I prefer the List view because it shows the most information about each file and folder. Using the Terminal, you can set your preferences:
# Use list view
defaults write FXPreferredViewStyle -string "Nlsv"
From the Finder View
menu, select Show Path Bar
and Show Status Bar
. It's difficult to navigate to an enclosing folder without the Path Bar, and you can't see the number of items in a folder without the Status Bar. Using the Terminal, you can set your preferences:
# Show path bar
defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true
# Show status bar
defaults write ShowStatusBar -bool true
Hidden files
Filenames and folder names that start with a dot are hidden by default in the Finder. You'll need to see hidden files because hidden files often contain configuration settings.
You can see hidden files in the Finder by pressing Command
+ Shift
+ .
. Hidden files will appear in gray in the Finder window. To set a permament preference to show hidden files, use this Terminal command:
# Show hidden files
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
Filename extensions
By default, macOS hides filename extensions. You'll need to see filename extensions to know the type of file and the application that will open it. From the Finder Settings
menu, under the Advanced
tab, select Show all filename extensions
. To set a permanent preference to show filename extensions, use this Terminal command:
# Show filename extensions
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true
Finder search scope
By default, a Finder search is scoped to your entire Mac. For speed, set the Finder to search the current folder by default (if you need to search the entire Mac, navigate to the top level folder). From the Finder Settings
menu, under the Advanced
tab, select Search the Current Folder
. To set a permanent preference to search the current folder, use this Terminal command:
# Search the current folder by default
defaults write FXDefaultSearchScope -string "SCcf"
List folders first
By default, folders and files are mixed together in the Finder. To make it easier to find folders, list folders first. From the Finder Settings
> Advanced
tab, select Keep folders on top in windows when sorting by name
and On Desktop
. To set a permanent preference to list folders first, use this Terminal command:
# Keep folders on top when sorting by name
defaults write _FXSortFoldersFirst -bool true
Relaunch the Finder
To see the changes you've set from the Terminal, relaunch the Finder with this command:
killall Finder
Sidebar contents
The Finder sidebar contains shortcuts to folders and devices. You can customize the sidebar to show only the folders you use most often. To customize the sidebar, drag folders to the sidebar to add them, and drag folders out of the sidebar to remove them.
A default Finder sidebar contains:
- Recents
- Applications
- Desktop
- Documents
- Downloads
I remove the Recents, Applications, and Documents folders. I also remove Downloads and change web browser settings to save downloads to the Desktop.
I add my user home folder because I use it often. I also add the top-level folder to make it easy to navigate to everything. Finally I create a Projects folder and add it to the sidebar (you might call it "Work").
I use the Terminal to open the folders I want to add to the sidebar. For example, to open the top-level folder, I use this command:
open /
To open the user home folder, I use this command:
open ~
I select the enclosing folder in the Path bar and drag it to the sidebar.
Alternatively, you can use the Finder Settings
menu to add folders to the sidebar. Select the Sidebar
tab and check the folders you want to show in the sidebar. Another way to add folders to the sidebar is to use the Finder menu Go
, show a folder, and drag the folder to the sidebar.
Now my Finder sidebar contains:
- Macintosh HD
- daniel
- Desktop
- Projects
Sidebar tags
The sidebar also shows tags. Tags are a way to organize files and folders but most people don't use them. If you want to remove the distraction, go to the Finder Settings
menu, select the Tags
tab, and uncheck each tag.
Finder alternatives
You can replace the Finder with other file managers, such as Path Finder, ForkLift, or Commander One. These file managers offer more features than the Finder, such as dual-pane browsing, file previews, and file synchronization. However, you may find the Finder is adequate if you configure it with the right settings.
More options for Finder
For a more advanced Finder setup, with settings using the command line, see Finder Settings.
You'll only find this setting on a laptop. You'll want to leave the Low Power Mode set to "Never" and only change it if you're running out of battery and can't recharge right away. Low Power Mode reduces CPU speed and screen brightness to save battery life.
Accessibility settings are useful for everyone, not just users with sight, hearing, or movement limitations. You may want to change settings for:
>Increase Contrast
makes the UI more readable.Accessibility
>Reduce motion
reduces distracting animations.Accessibility
>Text size
can be increased for easier reading.
- Choose
mode if you prefer it. Appearance
>Show scroll bars
gives you a visual cue about how much of window or browser page you're able to see.
Control Center
Control Center is the panel that appears when you click its icon in the Menu Bar. It gives you quick access to screen brightness, volume controls, and other settings, similar to the Control Center on iOS phones and tablets. You can customize the Control Center by going to System Settings
> Control Center
. This is also where you control what appears in the Menu Bar.
settings are where you change the resolution, the refresh rate, and the color profile for an external monitor. Users recommend the commercial BetterDisplay application for more control over external monitors.
You may want to turn off Displays
> True Tone
if you don't like the warm color tint it gives to the screen.
Screen Saver
The screen saver appears when your computer is idle. You can choose a decorative screen saver. I prefer to keep my screen active at all times and use a Hot Corner to lock the screen when I leave my desk.
Settings for the screen saver are in System Settings
> Lock Screen
I don't like to tallk to my computer so I turn off Siri. Turn off Siri or adjust preferences in Siri
You can set a preference for wallpaper (the background image on the desktop) or upload your own image. I prefer a black background to reduce distractions. For a black background, or another solid color, scroll to the bottom of the window for a selection of colors.
Lock Screen
Settings for screen saver behavior are in the System Settings
> Lock Screen
panel (not the "Screen Saver" panel). Personally, I don't like the screen saver to start when my computer is idle, so I set "Start Screen Saver" to "Never" and use a Hot Corner (or the Touch ID button) to lock the screen when I leave my desk.
Lock Screen
>Start Screen Saver
Lock Screen
>Turn display off on battery when inactive
>For 5 minutes
Lock Screen
>Turn display off on battery when inactive
>For 10 minutes
Lock Screen
>Require password after screen saver begins...
Just in case you lose your computer, and an honest person finds it, you can set a message (including phone or email address) to display on the lock screen.
Lock Screen
>Show message when locked
Privacy & Security
Storage is always encrypted on Apple Silicon Macs (M1, M2, M3 chips). With disk encryption, your data can't be accessed if your computer is lost, stolen, or recycled. All FileVault does on Apple Silicon is add the user's password as an additional key. That said, it's a good idea to enable FileVault and store a recovery key safely in case you forget your password. FileVault has a negligible performance impact with modern Macs and fast solid-state drives.
Privacy & Security
>Turn On
FileVault is at the bottom of the Privacy & Security
Apple uses Privacy & Security
to limit what applications can do. As you add applications, you may need to grant permissions in Privacy & Security
. Often you'll see a dialog box asking for permission to access some system service.
You'll be using the Terminal to install software and run commands, so add appropriate permissions now. Use the +
button to find the Terminal application in the Applications/Utilities
folder. Then:
Privacy & Security
>App Management
Privacy & Security
>Full Disk Access
Internet Accounts
If you have email, calendar, contacts, and notes managed in Google, Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo, or AOL accounts you can add the accounts to Internet Accounts
for integration with macOS applications. I use Google Calendar but that's the only account I add to Internet Accounts
Spotlight is the search feature that appears when you press Command
+ Space
or select the search icon in the Menu Bar. You can customize what Spotlight searches for in the System Settings
> Spotlight
settings. In the early days of the Mac, Spotlight returned filenames and file contents, but now it returns a lot of other stuff, like web pages, email, and contacts. If you prefer Spotlight to behave like a fast, indexed, full-disk grep
command, you can disable everything except Applications
, Documents
, and Folders
. Enable:
Add other categories if you want them.
You'll change keyboard settings if you are a fast typist or if you prefer to control everything from the keyboard without reaching for a mouse.
>Key repeat rate
>Delay until repeat
The settings for Keyboard
> Keyboard navigation
> Keyboard Shortcuts
are important for keyboard-centric users. Additional keyboard settings are in the Accessibility
> Keyboard
Turn off auto-correction and other smart typing features. These are difficult to find. Look under Keyboard
> Text Input
> Input Sources
> Edit
. Then:
Correct spelling automatically
Capitalize words automatically
Show inline predictive text
Add period with double-space
Use smart quotes and dashes
A Mac trackpad has a rich set of gestures. You can customize the gestures in the System Settings
> Trackpad
>Point & Click
>Tap to click
>Scroll & Zoom
>Scroll direction: Natural
Some Trackpad settings are in the Accessibility
> Pointer Control
> Trackpad Options
panel. You may want to use the trackpad for dragging without pressing down the trackpad. First, enable Accessibility
> Pointer Control
> Trackpad Options
> Use trackpad for dragging
. Then, select Accessibility
> Pointer Control
> Trackpad Options
> Dragging style
> Three Finger Drag
Before I install new software and configure my Mac, I like to save a set of screenshots of the macOS default state.
First, I create a folder Pictures
> Screenshots
and change the default screenshot location so screenshots don't clutter my desktop. I also like to disable the floating thumbnail that appears in the lower-right corner of the screen after taking a screenshot. For application screenshots, I recommend using the default PNG format (you can change the setting to JPG if you capture photos or videos).
mkdir ~/Pictures/Screenshots
defaults write "location" -string "~/Pictures/Screenshots"
defaults write "show-thumbnail" -bool "false"
killall SystemUIServer
After creating the screenshots folder and changing the default location, I add the folder to the Dock and the Finder sidebar for easy access.
MacOS has an integrated system to managed passwords, named Keychain, to manage passwords for websites from any browser. Until recently, most users stored passwords in third-party password managers because it's not convenient to use System Settings
> Passwords
to update and delete passwords. With Mac Sequoia, Apple provides a built-in Passwords application that largely replaces the need for password managers such as 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, or Bitwarden. To find the application, search for Passwords
in the Spotlight search bar.
If you're setting up Mac Sequoia for the first time, export your passwords from 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, or Bitwarden as a CSV file and import them using the Passwords application with File
> Import Passwords
Password clean up
Now might be a good time to clean up your passwords. Use the Passwords application to delete old passwords and update weak/duplicate passwords. If you've used any "Log in with" accounts ("Log in with Google", "Log in with Apple"), see a list of accounts and either delete (and sign in later with email and password) or make a note in the Passwords name field so you'll remember you used the "Log in with" method. Generally it's better to use email and password to log in, rather than face confusion over which account you used or take a chance on a third-party identity provider locking you out.
Google Account
(your profile picture in Google Chrome) >Manage Google Account
>Your connections to third-party apps & services
to see all of the logins.
Tiling Manager
Mac Sequoia includes a new feature called Window Tiling, which allows users to drag windows to the edge of the screen for placement side by side, top and bottom, or in a grid. In the past, users installed third-party utilities such as Rectangle, Amethyst, Yabai, Swish, ShiftIt, Magnet, and Moom. The third-party utilities still have more features but the built-in Window Tiling is adequate without adding another utility application.
Install Warp Terminal
This article shows how to use the built-in Mac Terminal application to enter commands on the command line. However, the Mac Terminal is primitive, lacking AI assistance and blocks. AI assistance can help you learn and remember terminal commands. Blocks make the terminal interface easier to use.
I recommend installing Warp Terminal, a new terminal application that's written in Rust and GPU-accelerated for speed. Warp is easy to use, with AI assistance and blocks.
You can read my comparison of macOS terminal applications in the Mac Terminal Alternatives article. Or just download Warp: It is my recommendation for both beginners and professional developers who might have used Iterm2 or others in the past.
You'll be using Warp Terminal to install software and run commands, so add appropriate permissions now. Use the +
button to find the Warp application in the Applications folder. Then:
Privacy & Security
>App Management
Privacy & Security
>Full Disk Access
After you install Warp, you can continue with your Mac setup, installing Xcode Command Line Tools, Homebrew, a text editor, and other useful software. By installing Warp first, you'll be able to get help if you have trouble with commands in the following steps.
The default macOS shell is Zsh, which interprets commands entered in the terminal. Experienced users configure the shell using dotfiles, hidden files that begin with a dot in the user home directory.
Dotfiles are used to set:
- aliases: shortened versions of commands
: an environment variable that helps macOS find commands- many other things, such as the appearance of the terminal prompt
Two dotfiles are commonly used for configuring the shell:
(Zsh Profile): Recommended for the$PATH
environment variable, executed only when the terminal window is opened.~/.zshrc
(Zsh Run Control): Recommended for adjusting the appearance and behavior of the shell, such as setting command aliases and adjusting the shell prompt.
Don't be confused by ~/.zshrc
(with a tilde) or .zshrc
(without a tilde). The tilde just means the .zshrc
file is found in your user home directory. The tilde ~/
is a Unix abbreviation for your home directory.
If you are a user on a new Mac, you won't find these files. By default, the ~/.zshrc
and ~/.zprofile
zsh files do not exist for a user on a new Mac, even if you launch the zsh shell. You'll need to manually create the files in your home directory to properly configure your macOS environment.
To create the dot files, run these commands in the terminal:
$ touch ~/.zprofile
$ echo 'echo "reading ~/.zprofile"' >> ~/.zprofile
$ touch ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'echo "reading ~/.zshrc"' >> ~/.zshrc
The echo
command writes a message to the terminal when the file is read, so you can see that the file is being read when you open a new terminal window.
You can add PATH
and other environment variables to ~/.zprofile
and aliases and other shell settings to ~/.zshrc
later, as you need them.
Here are articles that explain how to configure the shell:
- Shell Configuration
- .zshrc or .zprofile explaining recommended uses of each file
- Mac Path
Dotfiles for experienced users
If you are an experienced user and you've saved dotfiles from a previous Mac setup in a GitHub repo, you can clone your dotfiles into your home directory.
Visit GitHub Does Dotfiles to become a dotfile expert. You'll find a dozen complex and full-featured configuration frameworks for ZSH on GitHub Does Dotfiles, including Oh My Zsh, a very popular utility for customizing your terminal shell. Like other super-productivity tools, Oh My Zsh takes time to set up and learn, so I don't recommend it for beginners. But if you like Oh My Zsh, set it up on your Mac now so you get the aliases and command prompt you like.
Install Xcode Command Line Tools
Xcode Command Line Tools are tools for software developers that run on the command line, in the Terminal application. Out of the box, a Mac doesn't contain all of the software and tools needed for using the command line. You must install a small package of utility commands. The article About Xcode Command Line Tools has details.
You have two options for installing Xcode Command Line Tools. If you intend to install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS, you can let Homebrew automatically install Xcode Command Line Tools. Otherwise, you can install Xcode Command Line Tools directly.
Skip the Xcode Command Line Tools installation if you intend to install Homebrew, which will automatically install Xcode Command Line Tools.
Install Xcode Command Line Tools directly if you don't intend to install Homebrew. An article about Using xcode-select to Install Xcode Command Line Tools has details.
$ xcode-select --install
Don't type the $
character (or you'll see zsh: command not found: $). It's just a convention we use to indicate the command line prompt. It takes about ten minutes to install Xcode Command Line Tools using a fast Internet connection. It's faster to install Xcode Command Line Tools using Homebrew.
You can check if Xcode Command Line Tools are installed:
$ xcode-select -p
It's easier to skip the direct installation of Xcode Command Line Tools and just install Homebrew.
Install Homebrew
Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that installs software packages from the command line. With Homebrew it's easy to install, update, and remove software packages. Homebrew can install both ordinary applications and command line programs. Using Homebrew, you can install almost any software with brew install
(for command line programs) or brew install cask
(for applications).
Here's how to install Homebrew in a single step from the command line:
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Don't type the $
character (or you'll see zsh: command not found: $). Homebrew installation takes less than 5 minutes using a fast Internet connection.
For details, see the Install Homebrew article.
If you decide you don't want Homebrew, uninstall Homebrew.
Set the PATH for Homebrew
You'll need to add a command to your ~/.zprofile
file to set the PATH for Homebrew. The PATH is a list of directories that the shell searches for commands. Homebrew installs software in the /opt/homebrew
directory on Apple Silicon computers. You must add this directory to the PATH so the shell can find the Homebrew-installed commands.
Homebrew has its own shellenv
initialization file, which does the work of setting the PATH. Run these two commands in the Terminal to set up the Homebrew initialization file, which sets the PATH:
$ (echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> ~/.zprofile
$ eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
If you don't set the PATH for Homebrew, you'll see Zsh: command not found: brew when you try to use Homebrew.
You can check if Homebrew is installed:
$ brew --version
Install applications using Homebrew Cask
Homebrew can install command-line programs, with brew install ...
, or Mac applications, with brew install --cask ...
Check Homebrew's catalog of cask applications to see if the applications you need are available with Homebrew.
Ordinarily, to install Mac applications, you must:
- search the web for a download link
- download an installer file
- run the installer program
- move the application to the
folder - launch the application
With Homebrew, you can install Mac applications from the command line, saving manual steps and making it easy to copy/paste from this tutorial:
brew install --cask <name>
to install an applicationopen /Applications/<name>.app
to launch the application
After launching the application, right-click the icon in the Dock, select Options
, and choose Keep in Dock
if you wish to keep the application in the Dock.
Grant install installation permissions to the Terminal
Go to System Settings
> Privacy & Security
> App Management
and add the Terminal application (from /Applications/Utilities
) to allow the Terminal to install software. This will avoid error messages when installing cask software using Homebrew.
Install Zed Editor
You'll need a text editor for editing configuration files. Apple provides the built-in TextEdit but it is too limited to use frequently. For all-purpose text editing, I recommend Zed, for editing configuration files, writing code if you are a programmer, or writing articles if you are an author. It's written in Rust for speed, with two AI-assistance modes (GitHub Copilot and the ChatGPT API), communication and collaboration features, and a clean minimalist interface.
For quick and easy installation, use the Homebrew cask command:
$ brew install --cask zed
$ open /Applications/
To edit files from the command line, launch Zed and select Zed
> Install CLI
. This will install the zed
shell command, which you can use to open files from the command line.
With a text editor installed, you can now edit configuration files, starting with Zed's configuration file at ~/.config/zed/settings.json
. Check the Configuring Zed document for details.
VS Code as an alternative
If you want to use VS Code, which remains popular with many developers, you can install it with Homebrew:
$ brew install --cask visual-studio-code
$ open '/Applications/Visual Studio'
Next, configure Git for version control and remote backup.
Configure Git
Git is used for version control and remote backup, typically with an account on GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket. Git is automatically installed with Xcode Command Line Tools.
In the past, only programmers used Git, but today it is used by many people to back up files. Git is the best way to get reliable "save-as-you-go" version control, so you can save a file off-site at any time and revert to any previous version. Unlike Dropbox or Google Drive, which provide cloud backup, Git adds version control, so you can see the history of changes and revert to any previous version.
Git is difficult to learn in all its complexity but the basics are easy and worth knowing, especially if you use a graphical Git client like GitHub Desktop, GitKraken, Tower, or Glint.
Before you can use Git and GitHub for backup or collaboration, you must set up a GitHub account and configure Git.
Check that Git is installed:
$ git version
git version 2.39.3 (Apple Git-146)
You should see git version 2.39.0 (or newer). If Git is installed, go to Git Config to set the Git configuration for username and email. After configuring Git, you 'll need to use the Git Credential Manager to store your GitHub credentials so you won't have to enter them each time you connect to GitHub. Passwords are no longer used for GitHub, so you'll need to create and enter a Personal Access Token instead of a password.
Install Arc Browser
Apple provides the built-in Safari web browser but if you're like most users, you may use other browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, or others. If you're making a fresh start with an updated macOS, you might also want to try a new web browser. I recommend the Arc Browser, a new web browser that has a unique approach to managing tabs and bookmarks, which reduces clutter and makes navigating the web more efficient. It takes some experimenting to get used to, but Arc's unique tabbed interface means you may be able to work efficiently without Chrome or Safari.
For quick and easy installation, use the Homebrew cask command:
$ brew install --cask arc
$ open /Applications/
If you want to install Google Chrome, you can install it with Homebrew:
$ brew install --cask google-chrome
$ open '/Applications/Google'
If you install Arc or Google Chrome, you must install the Chrome Extension for iCloud Passwords to autofill passwords from iCloud Keychain.
After installing a new browser, make sure you can access the open Internet by installing Cloudflare Warp.
Install Cloudflare Warp
For privacy, faster Internet performance, and access to the open Internet, you can install Cloudflare Warp. Cloudflare WARP provides a DNS resolver,, that is faster than your ISP's DNS resolver. WARP uses the well-regarded WireGuard tunneling protocol to encrypt all Internet traffic from your computer, which protects your data from being monitored by your ISP, government, or any public Wi-Fi networks. It's a lot like using a VPN to hide your IP address, but it's faster and more secure. You might still want to use a VPN if you need to select your apparent location, for example to appear as if you're in a different country, but WARP will hide your IP address and show its own, which circumvents most restrictions based on the location of your ISP, and it's faster than a VPN. If you're in the USA, you likely have access to any website but Warp will prevent your Internet usage from being tracked for commercial purposes. If you're in a country that restricts access to websites to stifle dissent or enforce censorship, WARP can help you access the open Internet.
$ brew install --cask cloudflare-warp
$ open '/Applications/Cloudflare'
Install an email client
You'll need email to set up various applications and services. Use Gmail with a tab in the Arc Browser or set up the built-in Apple Mail application. However, since you're installing new things, you might want to try a new email client.
If you have a Setapp subscription, you can use Canary Mail or Spark Mail. Canary Mail is not available as a Homebrew cask, but you can install it from Setapp or the Mac App Store.
You can install Spark Mail from Setapp or as a Homebrew cask:
$ brew install --cask readdle-spark
$ open '/Applications/'
I also like Mimestream, which is an email client exclusively for Gmail. It costs $50/year, so you'll have to decide if it's worth it for you, but there's a 14-day free trial.
You can install Mimestream with Homebrew:
$ brew install --cask mimestream
$ open '/Applications/'
As a next step, install the ChaptGPT Desktop app.
Install ChaptGPT Desktop App
You may be using ChatGPT with a web browser. However, for maximum productivity, install the ChatGPT Desktop App. The desktop application makes it easier to drag and drop files, take screenshots, or use the voice interface to communicate with ChatGPT.
For quick and easy installation, use the Homebrew cask command:
$ brew install --cask chatgpt
$ open /Applications/
See my guide to installing ChatGPT Desktop to set it up with a ChatGPT Plus account. You will need to log in to ChatGPT Plus to use the desktop application.
Install PWA for Google Docs and Sheets
If you are collaborating with others on documents or spreadsheets, you may be using Google Docs and Sheets in a web browser. I prefer to install Google Docs and Sheets as a PWA (Progressive Web Application) in the Dock, which allows easier access. The PWA feature is new and difficult to find. Here's how to install Google Docs and Sheets as PWAs. First, open Google Docs or Google Sheets in a web browser. Then, click on the three dots in the far upper right corner of the browser window. In the dropdown menu, click on Save & Share
> Install Page as App
. In the dialog box that appears, click Install
. If you don't see Install Page as App
, look for Open in Docs
or Open in Sheets
and click. The application wil open in a new window and appear in the Dock. Right-click the icon in the Dock, select Options
, and choose Keep in Dock
to keep the application in the Dock.
If you are using Google Docs and Sheets often, this keeps documents or spreadsheets easy to access.
Mac App Store
If you've previously purchased applications from the Mac App Store, you can install them by opening the App Store and clicking on your account icon in the lower left corner. Under the heading Purchased
, you'll see a list of all applications you've previously purchased. You can download and install them from the App Store.
Setapp is a subscription service for Mac and iOS apps, with around 250 available applications. It is a good value if you need more than one or two of the applications and utilities available through Setapp. It's $9.99/mo for one Mac, $12.49/mo for one Mac and four iOS devices, or $14.99/mo for four Macs and four iOS devices.
For quick and easy installation, use the Homebrew cask command:
$ brew install --cask setapp
$ open /Applications/
After installing Setapp, you wil need to sign in with your Setapp account. Here's a list of all available applications in Setapp: Setapp Apps.
I use Touchbits Subscriptions to keep track of subscriptions. It's a free application, available on the Mac App Store. The cost of subscriptions adds up; you can keep a spreadsheet but this is a nice app.
Calendars and Reminders
Apple's built-in Calendar application is well-integrated with other applications. It may be enough for you. Some users prefer more full-featured paid applications, such as Fantastical (available as a Homebrew cask) or BusyCal (available as a Homebrew cask and through Setapp).
I use NotePlan for my calendar because it saves data as Markdown files and integrates with Apple's Calendar. It's available through Setapp. If you've added Google Calendar to your System Settings
> Internet Accounts
, you should see Google Calendar events in Noteplan. If you're using NotePlan on more than one device, set up syncing in Preferences
> Sync
using CloudKit.
I like to have a notetaking application that syncs data among my Mac, iPhone, and iPad.
Apple's built-in Notes application is full-featured and cross-platform with iOS devices but I feel the interface is cluttered. For quick and easy notes, such as snippets I copy and paste, or notes I reference often, I use Simplenote, which is free from Automattic, with Mac, iOS, Android, Windows, and Linux apps as well as a web app.
For quick and easy installation, use the Homebrew cask command:
$ brew install --cask simplenote
$ open /Applications/
Simplenote is okay for snippets but I use Obsidian for research, record keeping, and rough drafts. People like to call this a "second brain" or "personal knowledge management." It's a Markdown editor with a graph view that shows connections between notes. The interface is complex and it has hundreds of plugins that add functionality, but I found it's worth learning.
Importantly, Obsidian saves data as Markdown files and I back up my "knowledge vault" to GitHub so I've got a version-controlled, offsite backup of everything I record in Obsidian.
For quick and easy installation, use the Homebrew cask command:
$ brew install --cask obsidian
$ open /Applications/
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